I have always been obsessed with pedestal and footed dishes, so now I'm extra-obsessing over this. Which, frankly, is irritating. So the deal is, I have a couple beautiful cake stands, but I would have to ship them to NY and then my mom would have to ship them back to me. She never ships things back to me...so it's not a very good plan.
Doing the rounds online, I've found some gorgeous stands, but so far they're too pricey for me. Except for, of course, the two-tiered dessert stand by Liberty at Target, which is sold out. It's a tiny, family-only wedding, so I need to keep costs down.
Please send any ideas you have!
You could ship them to ME. But I might not send them back to you. Because I love cake stands. (Can't believe I just admitted that.) Anyway... I definitely recommend e-bay for this. Search "cake stand" and select the ceramic/china category. For some reason, there are a lot of listings for very fun stands (though no Whitney Smith, sadly). E.g.,
Maybe they're not quite as pretty as the ones you've posted above, but maybe your Mom could head over to Macy's and get the square white Martha Stewart cake plates on sale right now? We used one for our wedding cake and it was beautiful. And at the sale price, we won't care if something happens to it.